Root word autobiography in five shorties

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    There is one meaning in OED's entry for the noun autobiography. See ‘Meaning & use’ for definition, usage, and quotation evidence.

    About 6occurrences per million words in modern written English




    Earliest known use

    late s

    The earliest known use of the noun autobiography is in the late s.

    OED's earliest evidence for autobiography is from , in the writing of William Taylor, reviewer and translator.

    Nearby entries

    1. autobasidium, n–
    2. autobio, n–
    3. autobiog, n–
    4. autobiographal, adj–
    5. autobiographer, n–
    6. autobiographic, adj–
    7. autobiographical, adj–
    8. autobiographically, adv–
    9. autobiographical novel, n–
    10. autobiographist, n–
    11. autobiograph