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Department of Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology Professional Teaching Program.
Our Department sponsors pharmacology courses for pharmacy students at UCSF and collaborates in interdepartmental, integrated courses for medical and dental students.
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Some of these courses may be suitable for graduate students who need a survey of basic and clinical pharmacology and have a strong background in physiology and biochemistry. Two of our faculty, Dr. Marieke Kruidering-Hall and Dr.
Rupa Tuan, are members of the UCSF Academy of Medical Educators , an innovative organization dedicated to supporting and advancing the teaching mission of the UCSF School of Medicine and the people who carry it out.
photo credit : Elisabeth Fall
Kruidering-Hall is a director of the first-year medical student IDS 101: Prologue course and director of the third-year pharmacy student Pharmacology 123: Chemotherapy course. Dr. Masters is a director of the second-year medical student IDS 10