Nikita khrushchev shoe banging

  • Nikita khrushchev shoe banging
  • Nikita khrushchev shoe banging

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    One of the iconic images of the Cold War was that of an angry Nikita Khrushchev, General Secretary of the Communist  Party of the Soviet Union, removing his shoe while attending a meeting of the UN General Assembly in September 1960 and then banging it on the podium to emphasize his belief in the eventual, and inevitable, victory of world communism.  Critics and pundits (both then and now) pointed to the behavior of the Soviet leader as "boorish," and many still recall the image when
    discussing the political career of Khrushchev.  But did the shoe waving and banging event really ever happen?  Did it really happen as so many think that it happened?


    What Allegedly Occurred

    A pretty standard account of what allegedly occurred at the United Nations can be found in in wikipedia:

    The notorious shoe-banging incident occurred during a debate, on October 12 [1960], over a Russian resolution decrying colonialism.  Khrushchev was infuriated by a