07 plate picasso biography video
Matisse biography.
Watch Picasso Create a Masterpiece in Just Five Minutes (1955)
“One day in Paris a wealthy woman goes into a café and sees Picasso,” writes Alastair Dryburgh in Everything You Know About Business Is Wrong.
After a few minutes, she summons up the courage to approach him.
07 plate picasso biography video
07 plate picasso biography video for kids Matisse biography Top 10 picasso famous paintings Where was pablo picasso born ‘Monsieur Picasso,’ she asks, ‘would you make a portrait of me? I’ll pay you anything you want.’ Picasso nods, grabs a menu, and in five minutes has sketched the woman’s portrait on the back of it. He hands it to her.
‘Five thousand francs,’ he says.
‘But Monsieur Picasso, it only took you five minutes.’
‘No, Madam, it took me my whole life.’
This anecdote has been elevated, in books like Dryburgh’s, to the status of a “Picasso Principle.” Individuals and businesses alike, this principle states, should price their goods and services in accordance not just with the time and effort required to do the job, but the time and effort required to make doing the job possi